Most Americans pay a substantial amount into their insurance policies, assuming that they will pay off in the event of unforeseen events like an accident, injury or property damage. However, when the unexpected happens, it becomes clear that insurance companies are more concerned with their profits than with their policyholders.
Even people who have loyally paid into their insurance for years often find that they are not taken care of when they need to collect on their policy. At The Robinowitz Law Firm, P.C., in Houston, Texas, we help people protect their interests and pursue fair treatment in insurance claims. This includes representing parties in bad faith litigation when an insurance company fails to hold up its duty to a policyholder.
Do I Have A Claim For Bad Faith?
Insurance bad faith occurs when an insurer commits unfair or improper conduct in the investigation or resolution of an insurance claim. Examples of such conduct include failing to thoroughly investigate a claim, denying coverage without justification and failing to reasonably defend a policyholder who has been sued under a policy with a liability provision.
If you are engaged in a dispute with your insurance company, it is likely putting substantial resources into undermining and undervaluing your claim. It may bring in engineers, medical professionals or other experts in an attempt to pay less than you deserve. At The Robinowitz Law Firm, P.C., we know how to level the playing field. We will bring in our own impartial experts to uncover the facts and present a compelling case on your behalf.
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I am Donald Robinowitz, an insurance claims attorney with more than 25 years of legal experience. Clients who retain our firm get my cellphone number so they can call or text message me directly with any questions or concerns about a case. To learn more about how we can help you get fair treatment from your insurer, please contact us online, or call 713-622-6676 to speak with a lawyer.