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Understanding Child Support And Visitation In Texas

Will your pending divorce involve child support issues? Are circumstances forcing you to seek a change in the level of child support you pay or receive every month?

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If child support is at issue in your case, contact my office by email or call The Robinowitz Law Firm, P.C. to talk to me about your particular circumstances. I offer a free consultation, during which I will provide an honest, clear legal evaluation of your situation and explain ways an experienced Texas family law attorney can help.

Child Support In Texas

Under Texas law, child support is determined by a state formula, based on the nonprimary parent’s ability to pay. Ability to pay is calculated by that parent’s net income and expenses. Determining what factors account for net income and expenses, however, is often one of the most contentious issues in a divorce.

Texas applies a calculation to determine the amount of child support payment. However, that amount may be adjusted on a case-by-case basis including some of the following scenarios:

  • The child’s special needs (medical, special education, psychological issues) require additional financial support. Some children will need lifetime child support.
  • The paying spouse is a contractor, self-employed or is shielding assets. I obtain bank records, paycheck stubs and other documents to show true income.
  • A substantial change in financial circumstances in either parent, or nonpayment of support, requiring modification or enforcement.

Do You Need To Make Changes?

Courts understand that things change in people’s lives. Custodial parents sometimes need to change their living arrangements. Noncustodial parents often need to change their monthly child support obligations. Don’t wait until it is too late. You need to deal with these issues right when they arise in order to avoid complications and expense. I can help you seek a modification that makes sense for your new realities.

Contact me today for a free initial consultation. Discover the difference an experienced lawyer can make in the outcome of your child support matter.