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Child Support And Visitation Enforcement

The Robinowitz Law Firm, P.C., has vast experience both prosecuting and defending enforcement cases. The prosecution and defense of child support and visitation issues requires family law experience to present the facts and criminal law experience to determine the appropriate punishment or exoneration. I can handle both the family court and criminal aspects of your child support enforcement issue.

County authorities are serious about child support enforcement. Failure to make your child support payments on time may lead to contempt of court charges, which could entail a punishment of fines, jail time and/or probation. The penalty of jail time is very realistic especially in situations where the order has been previously violated. Many judges order weekends in jail so the delinquent parent can continue to work during the week to pay off the arrears.

Due to the harsh penalties in enforcement actions, the rules from the Texas Family Code must be strictly followed. As a seasoned trial attorney, I have vast experience making sure that all of the rules and technicalities are followed.

Child Support Payments Must Not Interfere With Visitation Rights

If a parent is not letting the other parent see his child, in violation of the visitation possession order, that parent may also face contempt charges. It is critical to prove that the interference is habitual. I counsel clients on how to document every instance, with precise dates and times, preferably with witnesses.

Modification Of Your Child Support Payments Or Parenting Time

Have your financial or personal circumstances changed? If you can’t keep up with your child support payments or you need to make changes in your parenting time, it may be time to consider a modification of your divorce decree. I know what it takes to help you make the changes you need.

From my offices in Houston, I represent clients in cases related to enforcement and visitation rights in communities throughout the Houston metro region and southeastern Texas. I offer a free initial consultation, during which I will give you an honest assessment of your enforcement matter and explain how an experienced lawyer can help you resolve the matter quickly and cost-effectively.

Contact me today.