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Make Sure Your Texas Divorce Property Settlement Is Fair

Under Texas law, family law courts hold that marital property is divided into two categories: community property or separate property. Primarily, all property and assets gained over the course of the marriage are considered community property, subject to equal division in the event of a divorce; this includes debts accrued by either party.

Certain property can be maintained as separate property of one of the spouses, if it was owned or acquired prior to marriage or acquired during marriage by gift, devise or descent.

Premarital Agreements Can Be Used To Safeguard Your Separate Property

It is possible to clarify potential community and separate property issues prior to the marriage in a premarital or prenuptial agreement. I have experience drafting and defending prenuptial agreements.

If you are considering filing for divorce, get the facts about property division. The laws relating to community and separate property are complex and require the experience and knowledge of a skilled attorney. At The Robinowitz Law Firm, P.C. , I have been protecting the rights of individuals in divorce property settlements for more than 20 years. I not only use extensive knowledge and my experience, but also rely on independent professionals to determine the fair value of assets, as well as how the future value will affect a fair division of property.

As an experienced family law attorney, I have seen difficult community and separate property issues be presented to the courts inconsistently. The presentation of these difficult issues requires intensive preparation. Make sure your lawyer knows how to protect your financial interests.

My law firm offers the sophistication and resources to represent clients involved in the most complex divorce and marital property matters. Contact my offices in Houston, Texas, to arrange a free consultation about your pending divorce and marital property issues.